Great RESIDENTIAL GPU VDS plans with video card, order now
With our GPU VDS packages, the projects you will create on our servers will become even higher quality. Below are the monthly prices and detailed information of our packages. After examining the packages and deciding on the product to order, you can go to the order site by clicking the “Buy Now” button under the products. Payments are taken through PAYMAX. Please specify the name and surname of the person making the payment from the customer panel.

Start From
$ 28 / month
4 GB Ram
Intel İ3 CPU
Can be virtualized with Virtualbox
1 IP Address (Residential IP)
(Optional Data Center IP)
All games are playable
Selectable Operating Systems (Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Centos)

Start From
$ 34 / month
8 GB Ram
Intel İ3 CPU
150 GB SSD
Can be virtualized with Virtualbox
1 IP Address (Residential IP)
(Optional Data Center IP)
All games are playable
Selectable Operating Systems (Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Centos)

Start From
$ 41 / month
16 GB Ram
Intel İ3 CPU
150 GB SSD
Can be virtualized with Virtualbox
1 IP Address (Residential IP)
(Optional Data Center IP)
All games are playable
Selectable Operating Systems (Windows,Ubuntu,Debian,Centos)

Free Technical Support and free installation
Our technical staff will immediately respond to your support requests and fulfill your requests. Our technical support is free.
VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) and VPS (Virtual Private Server) are both types of virtual servers used for web hosting and other computing applications.
A VDS is a virtual server that provides dedicated resources, such as CPU, RAM, and storage, to a single user. This means that the user has exclusive access to the resources allocated to their VDS, and can configure and manage the server as if it were a physical server. VDS is similar to VPS, but with more powerful dedicated resources.

What are the Advantages of VDS?
While resources are shared in software in vps, there is hardware sharing in vds. In vds, websites do not share their own resources with other sites. In Vps, sites will use resources jointly. VPS has always been a cheaper option than vds. In Vds, users can be given more authority as the hardware is separate for each site. These privileges are much more restricted in vps. The performance of other sites does not change according to the performance of the websites that share the server in vds. Even if a site has hundreds of thousands of instant visitors, the ranking on other sites will not change. Vps can have serious performance implications
What Does a VPS Server Do? What are the Benefits?
VPS server is the use of the entire server for your use, instead of using only a certain area of a server offered to you, as in hosting packages. It means that there are no performance and security restrictions in hosting packages on a server that is entirely yours, and you can do all your transactions without being stuck with these performance and security restrictions. In addition, you can configure a server that is completely yours and configure it according to your system needs.

Do Others Have Access to Our VPS Data?
No, you or another user cannot access another user’s VPS server. cannot access and view their data. Passwords of the VPS or VDS server transmitted to you In case of a possible technical failure, you can customize it from the first use. If you forward it to our technical staff, only then can we access it. Changing your VPS servers password and using a strong password It is recommended that you create.